Watch Me Now....

Its worked! Amazing....hope your're all well. I might make this a regular thing then!!



Omari said...

Look at you! Using video! It's like you're a real person.

Looking good big head.

How's that Photoshop demo download coming along?

Have fun in Sho'Quay (Spelling?)

Tash said...

Lovely to see you Kammy!
Missing you loads...I need to email you, have some VERY exciting news for you!


Catrina said...

Hi Kamilah!

Liking the video blog! I'm glad you're well, looking good :-)


Keebs said...

Hey honey!

So good to see you in the flesh- you are indeed looking well. I texted you the other day trying to arrange a Skype catch-up, not sure if you got it...

let me know


This is a blog to keep a track of my time in Mozambique. I'm going to do my best to keep it updated with pictures and videos so make sure that you come back and have a look all the time! Leave lots of comments so I can know you love and miss me!
Copyright 2009 The Adventures of Mozam Kam.... All rights reserved.
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