"Desenhar carra de uma pessoa"

Today at Ingrid Chawner is an art day which I am in charge of organising! Yesterday I felt was a bad day because there feel like there is a lot of change happening but I've put it to one side, "shook it off" and started a fresh day.

I decided that today we would use all sorts of bits and bobs that I had bought and had lying around my room to design faces. I instructed the children to draw a face and then stick anything they could find onto it. I think they have done a fantastic job.....take a look as the results are HOT off the press......

Toze aged 11

Felix aged 10

Sabastiao aged 11

Inacio aged 12

Texeria aged 13

Mateus aged 12

Helio aged 13

Augosto aged 13

Elias aged 12

Me aged 28

Mirande aged 11

Mario (the new volunteer) age ?

Me (again!)

Inza (new volunteer ) aged 19


This is a blog to keep a track of my time in Mozambique. I'm going to do my best to keep it updated with pictures and videos so make sure that you come back and have a look all the time! Leave lots of comments so I can know you love and miss me!
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