Happy Crimbo People....

Hi All, 

This is my Crimbo special.....


kemi said...

Wow a year has nearly come to an end, what an amazing experience.I totally get you about the difference between city and village, you have been so fortunate to engage with the people of of Mozam and contribute your skills to the country. Im sure it has been a life changing experience and one you wont forget. With all the highs and lows though, you can say you have done it! not so many people can say that! From one adventurer to another the experience you and I are both having are definetly eye opening, enriching and just bloody amazing. Love you long time xx

melchiorson said...

dear kamilah,

it's the 11 day of christmas over at the itunes store so i figure that i still got me time to wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.

tried last time with out success to post a comment. so we will have to see how this goes. (have copied this reply so if it all goes pear shape i can send it via fb).

loved the video. was minded of the time i spent with my aunts in panama - on christmas day it was so much degrees in the shade. with the influences from it's next door neighbour, usa, all the tinsel was up but on the day it was as busy as ever. mind you the christmas i spent in usa was equally strange remembering seeing on 26 december christmas trees put out in the garbage.

not like uk where every thing comes to a halt. oh these past ten days have been heaven. even now it's still like a holiday and i don't think things will get going until 9 which is also the same day i return to work.

but today it's your birthday. so happy day. when you get back we go out on me. once again loved the video. and who's alberto?

much love, x michael

melchiorson said...

okay, i've now caught up on the back episodes so think that i'm now up to speed. so we can scratch the 'who's alberto?' question.

This is a blog to keep a track of my time in Mozambique. I'm going to do my best to keep it updated with pictures and videos so make sure that you come back and have a look all the time! Leave lots of comments so I can know you love and miss me!
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