Here we go.....

OH MY GOD.....Im actually going!! Its 1.41am and Im a little panicked for reason I cant share on this!

Its been a long time coming but the adventure is really about to begin. As the organised person that you all know and love me to be, I have yet to complete my packing despite not having had a job since the 17th December! I have A LOT of shoes (some piratical but more not so practical)....I never thought I was a girly girl like that but hey....

Im sitting in my bed for the last time this year. Im reallllllly tired, excited and nervous all at the same time. Im tired because I havent really had much sleep over the last few weeks. Ive just been trying to see as many people as I can and I think I may have over done it. This week has been good. Ive just chilled out and really cut back on seeing lots of people and instead have spent time with my sorry to those that I cancelled on.....

Im excited because....guess what?!?!? IM GOING TO MOZAMBIQUE.....FOR A YEAR! I think thats fairly obvious....and the nervousness is coming from.....IM GOING TO MOZAMBIQUE.....FOR A YEAR! I have my guide book and have been blessed enough to have meet the volunteer that I will be taking over one of the projects from. He's given me loads of tips.....I'll confess now, only because I found it, that I lost the SIM card with loads of Mozambican contacts that he gave me on it. I was having a slight panic attack but after about 20mins I discovered it was in my bed....dont ask! I hope this is not a sign of things to come.....

I have some Meticals which is the Mozambican currency. You pronounce it Met-te-cash (I think) in English. Its colourful with the president on one side and animals on the back.... 

My Portuguese is NOT going to get me very far.....I hope I dont turn into one of those people that just say things in English but louder....DO YOU (point at the person) KNOOOOOW WHERE THE BANK IS.....POR FAVOUR? I promise I wont do that....oh god!

I already know that my host family have 4 dogs! I think must be karma as everyone knows, especially people at Ted,  Im really an animal lover (apart from elephants)....I really 4 dogs is just going to be hilarious (why me). I have an 18month year old host brother that Im looking forward to meeting and my house sounds like a nice place. I have my own room and we have a cleaner but there is no running water so outside showers mixed with a touch of!

So, I just wanted to touch base with you all before my departure at 1900hrs tomorrow. I want to thank you for being a part of this journey with me just in case I forget. I feel extremely blessed that Im travelling at a time when there are so many levels of communication available....the internet is a marvellous thing. I have skype, facebook, flicker (thanks Omari) YouTube (visual blogging....oh yes people)...what else.....I dunno MSN Messenger (old skool but still cool me thinks). Its a big difference to just 6 years ago when I was in New York. There was NONE of the above apart from Messenger (thats why I had to give it a little shout 

I know I am about to face an emotional roller coaster. I hope that this blog allows you to get a insight into whats going on. Im do my very best to keep it up to date so you can comments etc etc

The year ahead is going to be fantastic. Im looking forward to taking LOADS of pictures, working with some amazing people and living a life with less things....(apart from the shoes).  I look forward to sharing it with you here at The Adventures of MOZAM KAM....

Love you all - see you on the other side...eeeeekkkkkk!


PS. Excuse my grammar and spelling.....its not one of my strong points : )


Alisha said...

Have fun! Be safe! You have exciting times ahead :-)

Anonymous said...

The year is going to fly by!! Malieka

This is a blog to keep a track of my time in Mozambique. I'm going to do my best to keep it updated with pictures and videos so make sure that you come back and have a look all the time! Leave lots of comments so I can know you love and miss me!
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