Happy Crimbo People....

Hi All, 

This is my Crimbo special.....

Hot off the press....

Hi All, 

These are my first protos of some bags made from advertising banners.....they need a little work but I actually really like them! What do you think?

Finally I've posted the BAGS......are they not FANTASTIC?

I seem to be on a bit of a roll these last few weeks with the blog. I guess there is a lot to share these days so I'm keeping you all updated. 

I've been promising to post some pictures of the bags that we make here at the Studio with our star machinist ALBERTO. He is currently the only machinist that we have and he is absolutely fantastic at what he does. He started here about 5 months ago and has grown amazingly as this material is not like a regular fabric. Its really tuff and you have to be super skilled to be able to manage it well.We did have another lady on the team but we only have one machine at the moment so it was a bit difficult to keep her here. We have promised her that she can start again in the new year when hopefully things will start to pick up. 

Anyway, I wanted to show you some of the beautiful bags that we have. They are very fun, playful and extremly well made. They are all made from advertising banners that you find all over the streets. We collect the banners and then turn them into these wonderful products you see below. We are currently proto typing a lot of things so it would be nice to hear your thoughts on them. 

Alberto modelling one of his own

Alberto at the machine

This is a blog to keep a track of my time in Mozambique. I'm going to do my best to keep it updated with pictures and videos so make sure that you come back and have a look all the time! Leave lots of comments so I can know you love and miss me!
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