Happy Crimbo People....

Hi All, 

This is my Crimbo special.....

Hot off the press....

Hi All, 

These are my first protos of some bags made from advertising banners.....they need a little work but I actually really like them! What do you think?

Finally I've posted the BAGS......are they not FANTASTIC?

I seem to be on a bit of a roll these last few weeks with the blog. I guess there is a lot to share these days so I'm keeping you all updated. 

I've been promising to post some pictures of the bags that we make here at the Studio with our star machinist ALBERTO. He is currently the only machinist that we have and he is absolutely fantastic at what he does. He started here about 5 months ago and has grown amazingly as this material is not like a regular fabric. Its really tuff and you have to be super skilled to be able to manage it well.We did have another lady on the team but we only have one machine at the moment so it was a bit difficult to keep her here. We have promised her that she can start again in the new year when hopefully things will start to pick up. 

Anyway, I wanted to show you some of the beautiful bags that we have. They are very fun, playful and extremly well made. They are all made from advertising banners that you find all over the streets. We collect the banners and then turn them into these wonderful products you see below. We are currently proto typing a lot of things so it would be nice to hear your thoughts on them. 

Alberto modelling one of his own

Alberto at the machine

The Collaboration....and yes I did get Malaria!!!

I thought that I hadn't done a video blog in a while so here is a special one just for you. My week has been really good and its only Wednesday. I think I needed to have a good week as I managed to get Malaria on the week commencing the 14th of November. It was HORRIBLE and I probably didnt have it as bad as some people do. I managed to recover in about a week with all the tablets that I was given!! I had every symptom of malaria....

  • pain in the kidney
  •  pain in the lower back
  •  vomiting
  •  pain in the neck
  •  a REALLY awful headache....like my head had been slammed up against a wall a thousand times
  •  aching body
  •  hot sweats
  • cold shakes 
  • and loss of appetite BUT I'm still here to tell the tale. 

The hospital was fine but the bedside manner had been completely thrown out the window. I was given and injection in my bum that I had no idea I was getting and screamed and so the nurse or whoever she was just looked at me like I was crazy and I was so shocked I couldnt even speak. I was feeling so rough and when I came out the room I just started crying with frustration. When I was told I had malaria at the clinic I then I had to go and collect the prescription from a different doctor. When I entered her room she didn't believe the piece of paper as I was in the day before because I had some kidney infection which I was given medication for and so she believed that the problem was not malaria and that the kidney infection hadn't had time to react to the antibiotics yet. They tested me for Malaria the day before and nothing showed up which is also why she was resistant to giving me the malaria tablets the next day despite the test saying it was positive. We ended up waiting from 9am until 3.30pm for her to finally believe me when I had been told at 10.30 am that it was malaria. It was a rough day but I think Kwinika and I were on the case super quickly and so I think thats why I wasn't ill for too long with it.

Im fine now.....just a little tired most days but Im not sure if its the heat as its getting a little hotter these days or the recovery from the malaria.

I have just 6 weeks left before I return home. I cant belive it and the time has really flown by. I still feel like I have soooooooo much to do here so its still all go go go go go. Im sure I will be posting a few more blogs before the end so watch this space!

Lots of love as always



Hi Everyone,

As some of you may know I changed my placement at Mozarte and am now working for a really AMAZING design studio called STUDIO DANDOEN here in Mozambique. The Studio produces the most amazing furniture, bag, T-shirts and other special treats made all from RECYCLED materials from Mozambique. The studio was started in May of this year and its aim is to aid young Mozambicans interested design in developing their skills. Helping them to produce high quality hand crafted products for the world to see. Developing them with management skills, organisational skills and obviously design skills. The website is http://www.wix.com/ab3535/dandoen#! and you will see a full description of the wonderful work that is going on here.

As you look at the furniture you will see that it has all been made from shipping pallets (see picture below). They are normally discarded after the receiver has recieved the item but the  studio collects them and uses them to make the beautiful pieces I have displayed for you below.

The bags are made from advertising banners (an example shown on your right). These are normally discarded and thrown away as 'rubbish' but the studio keeps them and uses them to make so really fun, durable interesting bags. We are currently in the process of designing a new line which will be ready at the end of the month. I will post it up when they are ready for the world to see. The website demonstrates what has been produced in the past. The machinist that work on this range are extremely talent as it is not an easy material to work with.

I have been working on the designs for the accessories and clothing side of the studio. We are currently working on give the studio a bit of a face lift so we are in the process of making marking designing marketing material of all things that have been produced. There is a lot of change taking place at the Studio at moment and so it almost seems like a second re-launch which is all very exciting so watch this space.

 I'll just leave you with these images below of some of the new furniture that is being produced. If you want to buy just send an email and we would be happy to take your order....plug plug *smile*.

Flying High....

Hi Again, 

So one week before Kathryn and Selina's visit we had a Tuesday art lesson at Ingrid Chawner as usual. The task was to make a kite which was a success even if  I do say so myself. The lesson was taught mainly by Kwinika who was invited as a guest for the day. The boys all knew how to make Kites but I didnt and so it ended up being more of a competion on who could make the BEST kite. Some said making a kite was for kids and they were not a kid so they, therefore, would NOT interested in making one. However, the excitment must have got to their inner child and they joined in too...

As you will see i do start to give you instructions but I wasnt paying enough attention at the time so you can half way learn how to make a kite from odd bits and bobs. If you want full instructions lpease write in and I will do my best to aid you with instruction (always here to help *wink*).

So in order to make a kite you need the following....(please note the assistant in all the photo is Felix aged 10).

Dia de Arte com Samuel and co.


CANIҪO (Pronounced can-e-soo) bit like bamboo

RICE SACK as modelled by Felix the assistant aged 10
The Rice bag needs to be shredded by pulling it apart. Assistant two, Yvonne  here, is showing how its done. Please see the shreds on the floor in the back ground. These will be used for the string that will be attached to the ball of twine you will make to reel out your Kite so it will fly high...

Kwinika and Felix getting things sorted.....go boys!

Cut your plastic bag into a square. Lay your caniҫo  diagonally across the square as shown here. Use some one the  shredded lengths from the rice bags to secure the caniҫo to the plastic bags as shown

Me and Felix the assistant (aged 10) having a little bit of shredding fun time....whoooohoooo!

This seasons new MUST have is a blue shredded rice sack...

Yeah baby lets go Kite crazy

Inasio.....the DON of making kites.....or so he thought. It didnt go well for him thats all I will say. 
Add caption

Daniel sporting that lovely Hawaiian number.....working very calmly. Its what I like to see.  
Helio and Toze.....late entries but entrants all the same....moving quickly
"NO PHOTOS KAMILAH......this is a competition  and I have no time for it"
Zoro came through.....
More assistants to aid us in the challenge......tying those shredded pieces of rice bag was WORK. Apparently we found out it wasnt the most efficient method....but alas Kwinika was from the old school.
This was the other method of getting the string  from the  Rice Bag and  you dont have to join the shreds together......these kids are from the new school. 

Andre......another happy camper!
Almost there....

This was actually the winning Kite made by Daniel......it was AMAZING!

Can you see it......floating in the background. The  shreds of rice back were joined together her to make the  string that you see here wrapped round the caniҫo stick.  This is Daniels hand by the way.....

BLISS....all in a days work...

Joao sunglasses and Kite.....got to stay cool!

Aaaawww Kwinika it was a sad day for you......that tree was the end of you and your Kite. Im sooooo sorry....lol

Is this the assistant Felix......I think it is...
We're all Flying High....
This is a blog to keep a track of my time in Mozambique. I'm going to do my best to keep it updated with pictures and videos so make sure that you come back and have a look all the time! Leave lots of comments so I can know you love and miss me!
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